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When the tooth decay goes from bad to worse, a normal filling is no longer good enough to resolve the issue. A bacterial infection can spread deeper into the tooth to affect the pulp tissue, so that putting a dental filling will only make matters worst. To relieve the patient of the pain and discomfort either the tooth will have to be extracted or a root canal should be performed.

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High Quality Apartment in the middle of Recoleta. It comprises a spacious living room area with wooden floors, a comfortable couch in front of a flat screen TV in a very modern home library, and a nice dinning table for 4. Also, it has a very luminous bedroom with a king size bed and fully equipped modern bathroom and kitchen. Bright and cozy. Apartamento de alta calidad en el centro de Recoleta. Luminoso y acogedor.

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  • In juvenile healthy gums, the areas between the teeth are filled with gums. Diseases of the periodontium can lead to degenerative changes of the gums, causing so-called black triangles to become visible between the teeth.
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